Life on the Farm Our 10 acre homestead is in Damascus, Oregon, along the original Barlow Road that settlers used on the Oregon Trail. We are committed to organic, humane farming practices and we strive to live in harmony with the wildlife and native plants who were here before us. Our animals were all adopted from rescue organizations, including the Humane Society, Cross Creek Alpaca Rescue, and Harmony New Beginnings Animal Rescue, and are all considered part of our family.
Our flock of chickens is a rainbow of breeds who lay beautiful brown, green, and white eggs. The hens forage freely, scratching and flying, socializing and sun bathing, and are fed organic, fermented grains and seeds to promote their health and yours. Every chicken has a name and a personality all her own. We do not cull older hens who no longer lay but instead let them live their naturally long lives among the flock. We also adopt chickens from overcrowded farms or from urban chicken keepers who retire from the task. Read more about our flock in FAQ. Barn on the Creek Farm is striving to become a self-sufficient permaculture homestead. The sheep, alpacas, and goats help us control weeds on hillsides, as well as provide rich manure for our large garden. They also grow soft wool that is shorn yearly for spinning, knitting, felting, and weaving. The chickens provide eggs and income to our household and of course more manure for the garden. Even the wild animals help keep the balance. Coyotes, hawks, and owls keep the rodents in check and the rodents keep the coyotes, hawks, and owls from bothering our birds! It's a beautiful circle. Likewise, our permaculture garden is designed to work with nature, improving water efficiency and soil health. Because our farm is just 20 miles from the heart of Portland, we are able to deliver farm fresh produce, herbs, eggs, manure, hay, and wool to our urban neighbors. We always enjoy our trips into town, visiting old friends and customers and meeting new people too. Please contact us with any questions or to make your order. Thank you for helping our budding farm grow! |
Truly the very best eggs on the market... Delivered to your door!
Savvy consumers know that labels on store bought eggs mean next to nothing. We are completely transparent in the exceptional care we give our hens. Our eggs are truly free range, pasture raised, (non certified) organic, fresh, humanely produced, holistically treated, no-kill, and delicious! |
Vegetables, herbs, and wild edibles grown using organic, permaculture methods.
Alpaca gold! Alpaca manure is the best for your garden. It can be used fresh or aged and it quickly breaks down into rich compost. Our alpacas eat our own unsprayed hay and pasture.